If playing in a full band is your thing, do it. If playing online is your thing, do it. If just jamming with friends and you enjoy just having a good time, do it! Fuel your passion!
It does not matter what your instrument is, or if your desire is to create your own music, or play something already written. Fuel your passion and just do it! Let it out! The naysayers will boast what they know, or at least what they think they know. Campfires, social events, garage bands. If you are playing something, weather it be by yourself or with friends, or band mates, you are ahead of the rest. Or at least on your way.
Look at these kids above. Rockin’ out to their jam. Yes I know, they have an adult heading up the center of the performance, but they don’t care either way. They are doing what feels right! I do not know who they are. It looks like an event of some kind but it could be a basement family type gathering. Not everyone will be comfortable on stage or in front of people during a performance, and that’s okay. Our dream as musicians is to play music. For ourselves, friends, significant other, family, strangers in an audience.
The boasters need to keep it in check however. Unless you are Slash or Eric Claptin, Carlos Santana or Orianthi, there is no reason for belittling. Most musicians, however, as good as they are, they love love love helping out a fellow musician. Remember, as good as you are, someone always has something to teach you regardless of age and skill level.
Play that thing and have fun for you! That is the focus right? It does not matter how slowly you go just do not stop.