I have owned so many guitars I can’t count them all anymore. But the question is: How many guitars do we nead?
As many as we can afford I say. And whatever brand suit or fills your soul. Thrash, Grung, Blues, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Metal, Lets get dirty and buy guitars. Lots of them.
We’ll post pics of some of my guitars. I don’t have pics of all of them, but I’ll show the ones I have or had and some pictures I’ll just pull off the web for a reference. So there are Jackson guitars, Gibson’s, Fender’s, Taylor, Martin, Cort, etc. The list is virtually endless. However, I’ve heard great musicians make a cheapo guitar sound incredible. Then is the question: How good should I be? Answer: Not at all.
Great guitars made by great guitar companies will make you play differently. (Something to keep in mind.) There will always be someone better than you are. Take what you have and play play play! Don’t worry about who is who and what is what. Shine, be influenced, play your favorite style, but, shine!

Above is my first electric guitar from back in the 70’s. Yes I wish I still had it today. Got something similar I’ll show in a bit. Couldn’t tell you the name of my first acoustic guitar that I initially learned on. Probably a Walmart star gazer or some crap. (not really, but I think it was close) I cannot remember the order of which guitar I owned first other then the first two and the last one, so they’ll be placed randomly.
So many guitars! Below starts the battle of guitars
Ok, starting with this mess below. This is in Pennsylvania. Wish I still had the pearl white Sheraton II but I do not. Actually, I do not have any of these guitars anymore.. My son has the white PRS Santana se 5th from the left, or 3rd from the right. That’s all I know about. That guitar is the first Santana se model from over 20 years ago.

Notice: Under each picture is a description of the make and model of guitar. Some guitars I have owned many of, so I will only put one picture up to represent them.

Above, a Les Paul copy. Not a Les Paul fan. I have tried to be. Tried them out. Lots of theme. It’s just not my thing. So this guitar above is basically a wall hanger for looks.

Some Acoustic Guitars Below

Things Get More Expensive Below
The list ahead gets very expensive. I kinda’ think that’s when I realized how long we have on this planet and to just go for it.

Leaving out what year a guitar was built. I owned so many over a span of some 45 years it would be insane for anyone to remember. Gibson electric guitars. The better a guitar plays and feels, the better a performance and fun from the musician and for the audience. Gibson guitars fit me great.

This Gibson es-137 is my favorite guitar of all time. My latest guitar.
I have owned so many guitars I can’t count them all anymore.

I don’t remember the model. But I gave it to my son years ago. Below is a picture of him with it at the Burning man years ago.

When I can, I try and remember the quote from Marianne Williamson below.
Our Deepest Fear
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
For this reason, When I play guitar and hit a wrong note, I hit it with conviction!

Many of the same guitar have been purchased more than once. For example, different Ovations, Fender Stratocaters, Telecasters, Breedloves, etc. There is a picture on the top of this page with only some of them. So to avoid redundancy I will only list a guitar style or brand once.
The Martin guitar above is superior to almost any other acoustic guitar in the arsenal. Johnny cash had Martin guitar factory make him an all black D-35. and I have to say “this guitar sings!” I have owned serval Martin guitars. But like I said above, for redundancy sake I will only post one picture.

Foot note: The better the guitar the more you will play. And the better you will and can play. Neck profile has a lot to do with comfort and feel, and playability. Like I said “I have owned so many guitars I can’t count them all anymore.” Hey, that’s all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed some of the pictures and got some use out it. I will focus on amplifiers and speakers next.
Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful article.
Thank you for supplying this information.